
Home Financing Options

Atmosphere Plumbing & Heating is working in conjunction with Financeit and UEI Financial to bring our customers easy ways to get their home improvements and upgrades financed for low monthly payments.

Have you been thinking of getting your mechanical systems updated? Maybe even considering getting Air Conditioning, but you don't have a big enough budget? Get Started on your pre-approval now from the comfort of your own home and see what Atmosphere Plumbing & Financeit Home Finance can help you with.

Benefits of Using Financeit

  • Pay off at any time with no surprise fees or penalties
  • Monthly  payments at a lower interest rate than credit card*
  • The option to pay with hassle-free direct debit
  • Deferrals with no retroactive interest are available

*Credit cards can have rates as high as 19-29%

Flexible financing Canadians can trust

UEI Financial offers a range of financing options for customers – including straight financing, deferral programs and equal payment plans plus flexible terms and more:

  • Fully transparent open loans to help you minimize large upfront costs
  • Competitive interest rates with automated bank withdrawals to help you manage your budget
  • Guaranteed fixed monthly payments over the term of the loan
  • No balloon payments, residuals or refinancing of loans mid-term
  • Flexible payment terms with equal payment plans

Quick and easy approval process

  • One of the easiest and least intrusive credit applications in the market
  • Apply by phone or mobile device and get approved within seconds
  • Proof of income not required (excluding Quebec)

Contact us to find out more about UEI Financial

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